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Dear Prospective APRA-FL Member,


As a professional researcher, you're faced with tough deadlines and time-sensitive projects on a daily basis. Do you know where to get help with a single phone call? Join the Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement - Florida Chapter (APRA-FL) , and you will know just who to contact!


Say you get a new assignment -- one you've never handled before. Do you know how to find out exactly how other professionals have done it... and the step-by-step guidelines to solve your problems? APRA-FL can help you find the information you need. Membership in this organization will help you throughout your entire career, whether you're a new researcher or a manager or director of a research shop.


APRA-FL provides continuing education and a forum where prospect research professionals can share experiences, knowledge, ideas, techniques, and resources. You'll tap into the one-stop source for professional development in prospect research when you join APRA-FL. With APRA-FL behind you, you have a ready made network of research professionals in your local area, around the state, the country, and even around the world. You will also benefit from face to face opportunities to network with and learn from others in your profession at the annual APRA-FL State Conference.


I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to APRA-FL.



Aisha Maddox, APRA-FL President

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Apra FL Membership Application 

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